My baby boy has been sick the past few days... It started with a runny nose which I thought would maybe be just a little head cold. Nope. He woke up hysterical. I tried everything to soothe him but nothing seemed to work.. So we made a trip to the er,at this point we thought it was an ear infection.. Nope. Turns out he has a little viral cold or infection. That can last 4 -5 days. I guess it has been going around.. I just feel so bad he is so miserable he doesn't sleep well which means Andrew and I have had little sleep. Schroeder woke up at 3 last night screaming so we ended up on the couch and he slept better.. Needless to say we are on the couch tonight .. And prob til he feels better, not my ideal situation, but whatever it takes for him to sleep. I think having his head propped up must help. I sure hope this goes away fast!
I do love when Schroe falls asleep on me.. Just wish it isn't cuz he is sick
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