Friday, March 26, 2010


I just wanted to say about my last post, that I am so thankful and blessed that Reggie didnt get hurt worse. I always tell my family or text them and tell them to drive safe, especially on bad weather days. So to everyone DRIVE SAFE WITH CAUTION, AND WEAR YOU SEATBELT !!!!! Thank you ! :]

Forgot some Crazy News !!

So my cute 16 yr old brother went to prom with his girl friend on sat. A very tired Reggie..aka my brother took his cute date home around 3 am ish. He dropped her off at her home in pepper wood, got in the car and started driving. Moments later he fell asleep, hit a brick mail box, and tipped the car (which was our element) on the drivers side. Being the brave strong boy he is, he pulled himself out of the passenger side door with not a scratch on him!! My uncle picked him up and let him stay the night. I was trapped at home with no car. My sister had my car up at our cabin with my parents, where the night activity had taken place. They were trapped up there becasue my brother had the keys to the gate to the cabin so they could not leave. That is why my uncle picked him up ! I am just so happy though that Reggie is ok. However my parents will not be letting him drive for a while, but I dont think he really wants to anway..

Thursday, March 25, 2010


So it has been months since I have blogged.....This is due to my busy schedule. As you can tell those pics i posted were from oct and nov.. :/ . I also realized that alot of those pics were not flattering thats my bad. Any who about my crazy life now a days, i started as a nail technician at visions salon at the end of nov. I work there tues- thurs nights and all day sat. I also still work my day job at ameriprise financial tues- friday. Now my saturdays are on Mondays. The day i get caught up on wash, car issues, and whatever else needs to be done.. oh and I also do nails at home for family on this day. As you can see I dont have much vacation time. But Good News Poeple !!! Me and my cute sister ( who is going to school to be an esthetician) are heading down to vegas in april for the cosmetics trade show for 4 days !! I am so excited to have a weekend away, spend time with my sister, and see new and interesting products and equiptment for nails ..and esthetician stuff..haha. Anyway I am really going to try to not put off blogging for months anymore...

Finally Pics from forever ago!!

Pics from Mo's wedding down in az with wedding party,fam, and friends!