Monday, November 19, 2012

I should be..

I should be doing laundry.... This is what I did instead

Laundry can wait

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We made a trip to the grocery store tonight, and this little guy insisted on carrying the basket the whole time.

Man he is cute :)

Monday, November 12, 2012


Last Sunday my little man got his first shiner .. ( black eye ).
How this happened you ask? Well we were at stake conference for our church. We got there late so we were sitting on the back metal chairs. Well maybe 45 min into the meeting, Schroeder tried to get down off the chair he was sitting on. He slipped off and hit his head on the chair in front of him and immediately started crying. My sister and I took him out in the hall. (She was sitting by him when it happened.) His eye started puffing up, and he kept saying "owie". It was awful! :( Needless to say i took him home early to watch movies, and cheer him up. His poor eye got so swollen, then the next day he woke up with a black eye. :( Now its a week later he still has it, but I can tell it finally starting to go away.
I feel so bad, it's awful seeing him get hurt, but he still such a happy boy even with a shiner. And he is so dang cute no matter what!

Top two pics are right after it happened, bottom left is the next day, and bottom right is two days ago.. It's slowly getting better!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Birthday boy pics.

Here are some pictures of Schroe's 2nd birthday. We went to cornbellys during the day, which was lots of fun for my little guy. Then later that night we had pizza, opened presents, sang happy birthday, had some cake and ice cream, and enjoyed watching Schroe play with his new toys. Safe to say he got spoiled.. But how could I not spoil that cute boy..


A week ago my Schroeder turned two. Can't believe it! It seems like yesterday he was a little newborn. It is so bitter sweet to watch him grow. (I say that a lot) but its true! He is the biggest blessing in my life. He is a momma's boy.. And I couldn't be happier about it! I feel (like I'm sure every mother does) that we have a special bond, and it's means everything to me. He brings so much joy into my life. He is my best friend, and my world.

I love you Schroeder.

Xoxo, mommy

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Just what I needed.

The past two weeks have been a little hard on me. For reasons I don't feel the need to share with the world at this time. But I am so grateful for the amazing family and friends I have who stick by my side. I am beyond grateful for my sweet little man, no matter what he can put a smile on my face. My dad took the liberty of putting him down for a nap today, and snapped such a sweet picture of him.( He also got him down for bed tonight.. he is so great!) And my sister/best friend always makes me laugh my bum off, she forced me and T..(my bro Reggie's cute friend who we adore) to bronze our faces today and add manly facial hair.. Needless to say we looked handsome. We laughed so hard. These pictures were just what I needed.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pics of our summer.

Summer has already come and gone, here are some pics of ours :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wedding weekend in Cali.

Last weekend Andrew and I were lucky enough to get flown out to Cali, for our friends Chase an Rachel's wedding. Andrew was one of the groomsmen, it was fun to watch him be apart if it. I did miss my little man a lot ( he stayed with my parents) but it was a nice weekend with the hubs. The ceramony was beautiful, and the reception consisted of yummy food, and lots and lots of dancing! So happy for the newlyweds!

Congrats Mr and Mrs Mcfall!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Texas bound.

Well my brother Reggie got to Texas last Monday. He was able to call us between flights. It was so great to hear his voice! He already sounds so mature , and like such a great missionary! And he still has more time to grow and mature. He emailed today, and sent some pictures of him in the MTC, and of the his first few days in Texas. I miss him so much, but its so great to hear how he is learning and growing. He Is such an amazing kid, and I'm so proud of him! I love you reg!

Photos to come of Elder Walbeck :)

Birthday weekend.

Yes I am aware my birthday was about a week and a half ago.. (aug 31st) and i'm just now sharing what a lovely weekend I had. The night before my birthday my mom took me to dinner at spaghetti factory. Then we drove up to heber, and met my sister for an over night girls get away! A nice little surprise. :) On my birthday we woke up, got ready, and headed over to Swiss days. Schroe had fun going to his aunts, then hanging with his poppi Til Andrew got home. I missed him, but Swiss days was crowded and he wouldn't have enjoyed it. My mom, sis, and I loved it! We used to go every year for my birthday cuz its always around that time. After much gandering, eating, and purchasing we got tired. So we made our way home, but stopped at a target for a little more shopping. We got home and I was so happy to see my little man! Even though it was just a night, I missed him so much! The rest of the night consisted of pizza, snow cones, movies, and hangin with my fam! The next night Andrew decided to take me to see batman... Yes we were a month late seeing it.. Oh well.. It was so good! Sunday night we had delicious Costco chocolate cake!! So yumm :) it was a great birthday weekend, the highlight for me was hearing Schroe say "birthday to mom" then when we had cake he just kept saying "birthday mom" over and over.. Ah love that boy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A few Walbeck missionaries.

Here is a pic my mom forwarded all of our family of my brother in the MTC with my grandparents (on my Walbeck side) who just got there Monday. So cool they got to see him there. I miss him tons, but am beyond proud of him!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

2 years.

Last Sunday my brother had his farewell talk, (which he did great on) then had family and friends over to the house for food. Wednesday came and we were up early, and ready to take reg to the MTC. We had breakfast before hand at village inn, then went to walk around the Provo temple and take pics until It was time to officially drop him off. I was a basket case, I just kept crying. Saying bye to my bro for 2 years was really hard. We are such a close family, and it's just crazy to think he will be gone for 2 years. But I could not be more proud of my brother Reggie. He is such an amazing young man, a great example, and one amazing uncle and role model for Schroeder. He will change so many lives in Texas. Although I will miss him like crazy, i will look forward to many letters, emails, and pictures. And also look forward to seeing him grow spiritually. And you bet I'm gonna have Schroe color him some sweet drawings. And we will also send him tons of sweet packages, treats, and pictures! I'm so proud of my brother.

I love you Reggie Bip!